I Feel Like The Richest Man Alive

Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash Despite my bank account balance showing close to zero by the end of every month So this week is the week where I finally went back to the office. After more than 2 months of working from home, I received instructions from my company that all employees were to return to … Continue reading I Feel Like The Richest Man Alive

Good Editing Does Wonders!

Photo by Callum Shaw on Unsplash CURATION MATTERS Before publishing anything, make sure your draft has gone through a few rounds of editing A while back, I published an article about how I went through a whole month without being curated for the very first time. That happened in April when for the first time in 9 … Continue reading Good Editing Does Wonders!

Punch-Drunk Nostalgia

Streets of Rage 4 delivers the throwback goods More than twenty five years have passed since Streets of Rage 3 was released. I played the first three games on the original Sega Genesis, and I re-played them more recently on the Sega Genesis Collection for Nintendo Switch. A fourth iteration in the franchise seems long … Continue reading Punch-Drunk Nostalgia

Welcome To The New Normal

Photo by Max Bender on Unsplash LIFE WITH COVID-19 It’s a totally different world now compared to just a few months ago About a week ago, the government of Malaysia announced that the lockdown (or Movement Control Order, MCO, as what it’s called here) would see a more relaxed approach as to the previous 2 months. They called … Continue reading Welcome To The New Normal