Long Distance Relationships — It CAN Work

Ryan Holloway on Unsplash Long distance relationships (or LDR for short) have always been known to be the hardest and least likely to last kind of relationship. It comes with a lot of challenges, it is emotionally, physically and mentally draining and if it goes bad (which most of the time it does), it eats away … Continue reading Long Distance Relationships — It CAN Work

Live One Day At A Time

So often, we worry about the future, about what tomorrow might bring and we think about the past, what we did, what we could have done differently, etc. We waste away the precious time that we have right here, right now when we worry about what is to come or regret about what might have … Continue reading Live One Day At A Time

A Brand New Start

I have been putting off starting a new blog for YEARS now. Mostly because I wasn’t sure what to write, despite having so many thoughts going through my head on a daily basis. I’ve also been stuck writing my third book (although I’m just a couple more thousand words there!) and I just wasn’t sure … Continue reading A Brand New Start